Europe’s largest casino planned in Greece

An American-Greek consortium of companies wants to create Europe's largest casino in Greece. The plan is to build a casino complex on the former airport site on the beautiful coast of the Saronic Gulf. But what can visitors look forward to here and when can an opening be expected?

Europe's largest casino planned in Greece

Just a few weeks ago we reported that there are now 6 casinos for less than 40,000 inhabitants in the EU dwarf state of Liechtenstein. Now there is news from Greece: As has been announced, a magnificent gambling temple is to be built on the former Ellinikon International Airport in the south of Athens. To be more precise, the American-Greek consortium of companies is planning the largest casino in Europe here.

Gaming Authority grants license – construction can begin

The investors involved published their specific plans a few weeks ago in the Greek capital. The Greek gaming authority EKAZ had already granted a concession beforehand, so that operations are already regulated. Accordingly, the investors from Greece and America are planning a gigantic casino with an area of ​​around 15,000 square meters at the site of the former airport. A total of not only 2,000 slot machines, but also 200 gaming tables should be available here, where roulette or blackjack can be played, for example.

The Greek gaming authority EKAZ

An impressive hotel tower is also planned, in which more than 1,000 rooms will be available. In addition, a spacious meeting and conference center with a total area of ​​approx. 24,000 square meters will also be available. The group of investors is also planning a leisure facility, a sports hall and a show theater. Just a few weeks ago we reported that the betting limit in the online casino in Greece was increased tenfold from 2 to 20 euros.

For comparison: The Casino Berlin on Potsdamer Platz has a casino area of ​​8,300 square meters. Here guests will find around 500 slot machines as well as 5 poker and 4 blackjack tables.
In March 2021 we also reported on the opening of a new casino on Berlin’s Kurfürstendamm.

Opening planned for 2026

The current plans envisage that Europe’s largest casino should open in the course of 2026. So far, however, construction has not started at the former Ellinikon International Airport in southern Athens. However, the first construction workers could soon arrive here to implement the mega-project. By the way, a year ago we already reported in an article about the gambling license business in Greece.


On the coast of the Greek capital Athens, Europe’s largest casino is set to open in less than four years. Here, guests can look forward to more than 2,000 slot machines and 200 gaming tables. There is also a hotel complex with over 1,000 rooms, a leisure facility and many other amenities. It will be interesting to see whether the investors responsible will actually complete the project as planned and whether we can report here on the opening of the mega arcade in 2026.

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