Betting addiction: a player threatens athletes on Instagram murders

Addison Choi

Addison Choi of Fullerton, California, was a Student at a College in the United States. He must now be held responsible in the District Court of Massachusetts. The 23-year-old had made various threats to the murder of Baseball, Football and basketball players via Instagram, because he had repeatedly gambled on bets larger sums of money.

Image of Addison Choi Addison was part of the football team of Babson College in Wellesley, Massachusetts. He developed an intense and unbridled relationship with sports betting at the College. He almost completely lost his relationship with reality. He bet on Amateur as well as professional games at home and abroad. It included Basketball, Baseball, football, Football and Tennis among his favourite sports to which he bet.

It sounds like a rather classic addictive story: he lost several bets, the debt mountain ended up, so he had to borrow money from family and friends. He did not stop betting, but he threatened to do all he could to players, if he thought that they did not show sufficient performance for his sports bets.

What did the Student post on Instagram?

All threats were publicly spread on Instagram. The public prosecutor’s office had very drastically described how athletes were threatened via the Social Media platform. For example, he wanted to find a professional athlete with his family and then “skin”all persons with a living body. So his post was quoted:

I’ll kill you and your family and hang them on a tree, you stupid ugly Mr. [ … ] I will hunt you and fg live skinning, you stupid f*g. […]

Addison, who has Asian roots, also wrote racist Posts. Colored athletes were regularly referred to as Negro or monkey. He also wanted to tie them up to trees, using the formulations of the Ku-Klux Clan.

I hope you die, you stupid monkey.

However,he also verbally attacked the environment of the players. Thus, the game addict also threatened the girlfriend of a sportsman. He threatened to kill her if she didn’t leave her Partner immediately. In the text, that sounded something like this:

I’m gonna kill you, you stupid bitch … leave this irrelevant, stupid M*r.

Between 27. July 2017 and 6. On December 31, 2017, Addison had left several such threats on 45 Instagram profiles. The court documents do not award the threatened athletes, but entire teams should have been affected by the threats. In a Post, more than one person could be threatened. In part, there were dozens of people.

He had different pseudonyms on the platform. Once an Account has been closed by him, he has created a new profile and continued. The public prosecutor’s office believes that Addison has personally held players responsible for betting losses and gambling debts. He wanted to threaten the athletes and knew that his words were perceived as a threat.

No doubt about the act and guilt of the accused

Joseph Simmons was the 23-year-old defender. He stated in an opinion that Addison took responsibility for his actions. The lawyer once again made it clear that his client did not want to seriously harm an athlete. Moreover, the accusations would not show how he really is as a Person. The only Alternative would have been a defense based on Tourette syndrome.

With the confession, the lawyer has been able to negotiate a settlement in recent months. The Boy can expect a prison sentence of 21 to 27 months. Actually, five years in prison and at least $ 250,000 in fine would have been scheduled. So far, there has been no final judicial judgment.

In a statement by US lawyer Andrew Lelling, who was charged with the case, it was stated:

There is a difference between freedom of speech – even hate speech – and making others deliberately fear for their lives. Mr. Choi crossed this line. Based on today’s indictment, he has hidden behind the anonymity of social media and threatened his Victims in violent, often racist formulations. We take internet-based threats of violence, especially racist, seriously-they undermine the hard-won core values of our Nation for equality.

An FBI investigator from the Boston Field Division also made a statement on this case. Joseph Bonavolonta described it as follows:

Addison Choi has claimed that dozens of abominable and racist threats of murder have been directed against professional and university athletes and their families. He conducted a very public intimidation campaign against them and blamed them for his own loss of play. Let this case serve as another warning to others who think they might hide behind a keyboard and cause violent threats that fear others for their lives. Enough is enough.

Gambling addiction in sports betting worse than in Casinos?

I had already described in 2017, that the dangers of gambling addiction in sports betting are partly greater, than in conventional casino games. The reason is that you need to know a little bit about sports betting in order to make good profits. Nevertheless, it is in the end gambling. You can win or lose. For many players, sports betting is still more, because they can prove their knowledge of the Sport definitively, or not.

Some players simply do not realize that it is gambling. You must blame yourself or another person for your mistakes. In this case, the athletes were to blame for the losses. Although the 23-year-old had to take responsibility in court, sports bets are still underestimated in the field of addiction.

It is also important in this case, that the more often athletes are affected by the addiction. You have some prior knowledge in certain areas and think that you have better chances of winning because you can use your” knowledge”. However, studies have long since shown that prior knowledge of experts is not necessarily helpful in betting.

Many states are currently trying to legalize sports betting reliably. In the future, the game addiction problem in the US will probably be represented again and again in the media. In part, the excesses in the country are very extreme, as is the case of Addison Choi shows.

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